Citadelle Jardin d'Ete Gin
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Citadelle Jardin d’Été靈感來自著名的Château de Bonbonnet。這款氈酒的靈感來自該城堡的茂盛花園,這是一個花朵、水果和草本植物豐富的避世桃源。它巧妙地融合了Charentais哈密瓜、整顆檸檬、柚子和橙皮的獨特風味,使其成為清新Gin Tonic的理想搭配。
品嚐Citadelle Jardin d’Été時,可以感受到檸檬、柚子和橙子的明亮柑橘香氣。Charentais哈密瓜的圓潤感美妙地平衡了柑橘類水果的清新。這款氈酒以極長、令人振奮和果香的餘韻作結,捕捉了夏日的活力。
在經典的Gin Tonic中,Citadelle Jardin d’Été展現了其夏日的清新。推薦的飲用方式包括加入一圈檸檬皮,這個簡單卻能改變風味的小添加物,增強了整體的口感體驗。
Citadelle Jardin d’Été is the newest creation from the distinguished Château de Bonbonnet. Inspired by the lush garden of the château, a haven where an abundance of flowers, fruits, and herbs thrive, this gin variant offers a delightful sensory journey. It elegantly combines the distinct notes of Charentais melon, whole lemons, yuzu, and orange zest, making it a perfect companion for a refreshing gin & tonic.
On tasting, Citadelle Jardin d’Été reveals bright citrus notes of lemon, yuzu, and orange. The roundness of the Charentais melon beautifully balances the zestiness of the citrus fruits. This gin concludes with a superbly long, invigorating, and fruity finish, encapsulating the vibrancy of summer.
In a classic gin & tonic, Citadelle Jardin d’Été showcases its full summer freshness. A recommended serving suggestion includes a twist of lemon peel, a simple yet transformative addition that enhances the overall flavor experience.
It was the kind of day that defines summer in the southwest of France – abundant sunshine baking the vineyards, the branches of the juniper trees swaying in the ocean breeze. The combination exerts an almost irresistible force on the pace of life – to slow down, order another plate of huitres, take another sip, your work will always be waiting. The work at Château de Bonbonnet, of course, is all about creating artisanal spirits that are meant to be savored. On that July day in 1996, we had a particular one in mind: gin. How could we distill the essence of this region into one perfectly crisp spirit? We were lunching on the back terrace, and the debate – as is often the case with close family – was lively. The challenge was issued: create summer in a glass. Beyond the obvious juniper berry, lay a mélange of botanicals that would make a unique gin.
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