Plantation Isle of Fiji Rum
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wine grape image
Caribbean, Unspecified
斐濟島之美頌歌: Plantation Isle of Fiji 朗姆酒頌揚著斐濟島令人驚嘆的風景,以傳統方法和當地甘蔗捕捉其精髓。

雙重陳釀佳釀: 該朗姆酒經歷了獨特的雙重陳釀過程。 首先,它在斐濟的熱帶陽光下於波旁桶中陳釀。 然後,朗姆酒穿越海洋,前往法國西南部,在法國橡木桶中进一步精制。 這個精心細緻的過程造就了一款擁有溫暖的異國水果和葡萄乾香氣的朗姆酒。

顏色: 金色 香氣: 濃烈,一開始是糖蜜、梨子和清漆的味道,然後演變成帶有蘋果、香蕉、醋栗、肉豆蔻、香草和一抹煙熏味的果香和辛辣味。 口感: 豐富圓潤,與香氣相呼應,帶有香草糖塊、蜂蜜、姜汁、以及梅子和椰子的水果味。 餘味: 持久,帶有一絲乾香蕉、波旁威士忌和全部香料的味道。 空杯: 留下糖蜜、橡木和全部香料的香氣。

完美飲用方式: 淨飲 Plantation Isle of Fiji 朗姆酒,細細品味其細膩的風味。

A Toast to Fijian Beauty: Plantation Isle of Fiji rum is a tribute to the stunning landscapes of the Fiji Islands, capturing their essence with traditional methods and local sugarcane.

Double-Aged Delight: This rum undergoes a unique dual aging process. First, it matures in bourbon casks under the tropical Fijian sunshine. Then, the rum journeys across the seas to southwest France for further refinement in French oak casks. This meticulous process results in a rum boasting warm notes of exotic fruits and raisins.

Tasting Profile:
Color: Golden Nose: Intense aroma starting with molasses, pear, and varnish, evolving to reveal fruity and spicy notes of apple, banana, gooseberry, nutmeg, vanilla, and a hint of smoke. Palate: Rich and round, echoing the nose with flavors of vanilla fudge, honey, ginger, and prune and coconut fruitiness. Finish: Long-lasting, with hints of dried banana, bourbon, and allspice. Empty Glass: Lingers with molasses, oak, and allspice aromas.

Perfect Serve: Enjoy Plantation Isle of Fiji Rum neat, savoring its nuanced flavors.
Passionate, curious, refined taste for beauty, Alexandre Gabriel is a tireless entrepreneur in search of perfection. An artisan businessman, he delivers the best product by implementing the most advanced and precise production methods. He knows that a great cognac, a superior rum, is above all a powerful emotion to be shared. Alexandre Gabriel applies the discipline and passion of ancient craftsmen, artisans, and goldsmiths to his rum and cognac. In 1989 Alexander Gabriel discovers Maison Ferrand, one of the oldest spirit brands in the Cognac region. The reputation of the House is indisputable but sales are lagging. An immediate crush grabs hold and Alexandre Gabriel dives in with exuberance to the details and craft of Cognac production. Travel follows passion and soon Alexandre Gabriel is creating a dedicated distribution network of equally passionate partners. He builds on his values and vision for the House. Twenty years later, most of his founding team are still together. The 1990s see Alexandre Gabriel combing the Caribbean in search of the best rums of the region. Plantation is born: an artisanal range of rums from the great terroirs of the tropics. Fifteen years of dedicated rum-making later, in 2012, Alexandre is awarded Master Rum Blender of the Year at the Golden Rum Barrel Awards and was named Distiller of the Year by The American Distilling Institute. Today, President and Owner of Maison Ferrand, Alexandre Gabriel has won praise across the category and industry. Focusing on three major spirits that represent the passion and vision of Maison Ferrand: Ferrand Grande Champagne Cognac, Artisanal Citadelle Gin, and Plantation “Grands Terroirs”: authentic spirits that express the individual terroirs that made them.