Chateau de Pommard Portfolio Tasting
Wine List
28 Nov (Tue),  7 pm-9 pm
MyiCellar Showroom
Room 907, 9/F, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
Quarry Bay
$528 (General Admission)
MyiCellar 雲窖

「根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。」“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”


Located in the heart of Burgundy’s Côte d’Or, Château de Pommard is one of the oldest wine estates in the region over 300 years old.

Set within its boundary walls is the Clos Marey-Monge, a monopole regarded by experts across the ages as a geological marvel with its seven different terroirs. From these vines, the flagship cuvées of Château de Pommard are created.

Our Mission is to change the way consumers buy, drink and learn about wine by offering 100% organic and biodynamic wines, top-quality tastings and professional wine education.

Clos Marey-Monge 就坐落在莊園的圍牆內,它被歷代專家譽為地質學的奇跡,擁有七種不同的風土條件。Château de Pommard 的旗艦佳釀就出自這些葡萄園。

我們的使命是通過提供 100% 的有機和生物動力葡萄酒、頂級品酒會和專業葡萄酒教育,改變消費者購買、飲用和瞭解葡萄酒的方式。


Our philosophy is to always maintain a hands-off approach and allow nature to remain in control, and while our vineyard team is invaluable, we entrust the vintage to do the talking. The seven distinct, but complementary, terroirs of Clos Marey-Monge are each hand-harvested, fermented, and aged separately, following a vinification process that employs as little human intervention as possible. It is only at the last possible moment that we step in and create a balanced blend of the seven plots.

我們的理念是始終堅持放手讓大自然來掌控,雖然我們的葡萄園團隊非常寶貴,但我們委託年份酒來說話。Clos Marey-Monge 的七塊風土各具特色,但又相輔相成,每塊風土都是手工採摘、發酵和陳釀,釀造過程中盡可能減少人工干預。只有在最後可能的時刻,我們才會介入,將七塊土地均衡地混合在一起。


Our team began the transformation of the domain into a fully biodynamic and sustainable vineyard in 2016. Use of systemic chemical products in the vineyard, such as pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, is strictly prohibited. We use only traditional composting methods in the form of sprays, composed of dynamized plants made from rainwater and natural materials. We also grow the plant materials we use for the preparations in our own gardens next to the Clos Marey-Monge.

While other Houses bought their grapes, Louis Roederer nurtured his vineyards, familiarized himself with the specific characteristics of each parcel, and methodically acquired the finest land. Louis Roederer’s guiding principle was that all great wine depends on the quality of the soil, a passion for tradition, and an astute vision of the future; the fame and reputation of the House of Louis Roederer was firmly established. His heir, Louis Roederer II was equally enlightened and adopted his father’s conscientious approach to the production of champagne, patrimonial estate management, and instinctive audacity.

我們的團隊於 2016 年開始將葡萄園改造成完全符合生物動力學和可持續發展要求的葡萄園。葡萄園嚴禁使用殺蟲劑、殺菌劑和除草劑等系統化學產品。我們只使用傳統的噴霧堆肥法,由雨水和天然材料製成的動態植物組成。我們還在 Clos Marey-Monge 旁的自家花園中種植用於釀造的植物材料。

當其他酒莊購買葡萄時,Louis Roederer 則在自己的葡萄園中培育葡萄,熟悉每塊土地的特性,並有條不紊地購買最優質的土地。Louis Roederer 的指導原則是,所有優質的葡萄酒都取決於土壤的品質、對傳統的熱情和對未來的敏銳洞察力;Louis Roederer 家族的名聲和聲譽由此奠定。他的繼承人 Louis Roederer 二世同樣開明,繼承了父親對香檳釀造的認真態度、世襲的莊園管理和本能的膽識。


活動資料 Event Details:

日期 Date︰28th Nov 2023 (Tue)

時間 Time︰19:00 - 21:00

地點 Venue︰MyiCellar Showroom

地址 Address:Room 907,9/F, Westlands Centre,20. Westlands Road, Quarry Bay

講師 Lecture:

Remi Marchand

語言 Language :


門票 Ticket: HKD$528

酒單 Wine List:

Clos Marey-Monge "Micault" 2018 | $885
Clos Marey-Monge "Grands Esprits" 2017 | $995
Clos Marey-Monge Monopole 2014 | $1415
Meursault 2020 | $828
Chassagne Montrachet 2020 | $978
Bourgogne Aligote 2020 | $408

將有食物供應 Food will be served

We don’t have the wine information from this event.