Room 907, 9/F, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road

「根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。」“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
活動簡介 |
今次同咁多位鍾意飲香檳嘅朋友介紹Champagne Lallier🍾!Lallier 係一間產量小,但同時擁有Grand Cru葡萄園嘅酒莊🍇。同時佢哋釀酒嘅理念著重於發揮風土個性✨:
🌟 以突顯酒莊風格為重點,無年份作品都會加入儲備舊酒,釀造出豐富嘅層次同鮮度
🌟 根據作品的特性和年份,用上自家培植的酵母來發酵葡萄
活動資料 |
時間Time:08 Aug 2024 (Thur), 19:00 - 21:00
地點Venue:MyiCellar Showroom, 907, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
講師Spearker : Zachary Yu, judges of numerous well-known wine competitions with experiences in 5-star hotel and Michelin-starred restaurant
酒單 |
🥂 Lallier Brut R.019 Champagne
🥂 Lallier Blanc de Blancs
🥂 Lallier Blanc de Noir
🥂 Lallier Millésimé 2014
門票 |
🎟️ HK$268
(包含 HK$150 指定活動酒款消費回贈)
(with HK$150 redemption on in-event purchase)
🍽️將有伴酒小食供應 Light snack will be served
🪑座位 Seat:14
Event Absence and Refund Policy
If a refund request is received 48 hours or before prior to the event, an 15% administration fee will be charged, and remaining amount will be credited for your next purchase and valid for 6 months since event date.
If a refund request is received within 48 hours prior to the event or after the event, no refund will be eligible.
MyiCellar reserve the right of final decision in case of dispute.