Room 907, 9/F, Westlands Centre, 20. Westlands Road, Quarry Bay Quarry Bay, HKI
Quarry Bay

「根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。」“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
由Anson老師再次帶大家深入淺出❗ 了解三國風土文化,品味小國佳釀
Aurelia Visinescu
Our story began in 2003 when the company was established by oenologist Aurelia Visinescu and her associate, Steve Cacenco. In love with nature, during the last years attending Horticulture University, Aurelia Vișinescu chose to study oenology, fascinated by the science behind Bacchus’ liquor.
我們的故事始於 2003 年,當時公司由釀酒師 Aurelia Visinescu 和她的同事 Steve Cacenco 創立。出於對大自然的熱愛,在園藝大學就讀的最後幾年裡,Aurelia Vișinescu 選擇學習釀酒學,對巴克斯酒背後的科學著迷。
Following her passion for wine, the results of her work consequently appeared – the dream to have her vineyards and winery. Nowadays, the vineyard reunites 82 hectares and the total production capacity at Domeniile Sahateni is 1.000.000 bottles of wine per season.
隨著她對葡萄酒的熱情,她的工作成果因此出現了——擁有她的葡萄園和釀酒廠的夢想。如今,葡萄園面積為82公頃,Domeniile Sahateni的總產能為每季1.000.000瓶葡萄酒。
Edoardo Miroglio
In 2002 Edoardo Miroglio, a well-known Italian textile and wine producer, discovered in the Thracian region of Bulgaria the perfect soil and climatic conditions for the production of quality wines in the village of Elenovo on 22 km. Southeast from Nova Zagora.
2002年,義大利著名的紡織和葡萄酒生產商 Edoardo Miroglio 在保加利亞色雷斯地區發現了從 Nova Zagora 向東南方22公里處的 Elenovo 村生產優質葡萄酒的完美土壤和氣候條件。
Grape-growing and wine-making have been traditional for the region ever since Thracian times. Many ancient authors have praised the Thracian wine, and the recipe has been passed from father to son for generations.
After elaborate analysis and soil tests in the micro-region of Elenovo village, Edoardo Miroglio found that the terroir of Elenovo is unique for Bulgaria and is equally good for cultivating both red and white grape varieties. As a result of this, he decided to establish there one of the most modern wineries in Bulgaria.
在對 Elenovo 村的微觀區域進行精細分析和土壤測試后,Edoardo Miroglio 發現 Elenovo 的風土對保加利亞來說是獨一無二的,同樣適合種植紅葡萄和白葡萄品種。因此,他決定在那裡建立保加利亞最現代化的釀酒廠之一。
With the idea to combine the Italian know-how in the development of vineyards and oenology with the excellent Piedmontese tradition, the winery conducted its first production in October 2005. The overall process for the production of wines is controlled by a group of Italian and Bulgarian oenologists led by the world's famous oenologist Marco Monchiero.
為了將義大利在葡萄園和釀酒方面的專業知識與 Piedmonte 的優良傳統相結合,該酒莊於2005年10月進行了首次生產。葡萄酒生產的整個過程由世界著名的釀酒師 Marco Monchiero領導的一組義大利和保加利亞釀酒師控制。
The winemaking tradition in Macedonia and the Tikveš region has long for centuries. Since the times of the Roman Empire, it has been written that Macedonia produces amazingly powerful wines with a scent of the vibrant south, the taste of songs and the laughter of the people living in this region.
Macedonia和Tikveš地區的釀酒傳統已有數百年歷史。 自羅馬帝國時代起,就有記載稱Macedonia出產的葡萄酒具有令人驚歎的強勁口感,散發著生機勃勃的南方氣息,蘊含著生活在這一地區的人們的歡歌笑語。
Countless hardworking and skilful wine-growers from the past and the present have been part of the birth of the long winemaking tradition in our country, especially in the region of Tikveš. The immense emergence and promotion of our fine wines all around the world is the result of the significant contribution of the visionaries at Tikveš Winery.
古往今來,無數勤勞嫻熟的葡萄種植者為我國,尤其是Tikveš地區悠久釀酒傳統的誕生做出了貢獻。 蒂克韋什酒廠的遠見卓識做出了重大貢獻,使我們的優質葡萄酒在世界各地大放異彩並得到推廣。
The supreme wines which are the result of a perfect synergy of our vineyards, the sky, the sun and the best grape varieties from the Tikveš region, alongside state-of-the-art technology and knowledge of wine-masters, proudly create Tikveš Winery.
Since 1885, it has been the symbol of the centuries-long winemaking tradition, the largest and most awarded winery in South Eastern Europe and beyond.
自 1885 年以來,該酒莊一直是百年釀酒傳統的象徵,也是東南歐及其他地區規模最大、獲獎最多的酒莊。
酒單 Wine List:
- Romanian - Aurelia Visinescu White ARTISAN 2018 | $140
- Romanian - Aurelia Visinescu ANIMA Chardonnay 2019 | $250
- Romanian - Aurelia Visinescu ANIMA 3 Fete Negre 008 SERIES (2017, 2019 si 2020) | $365
- Bulgarian - Edoardo Miroglio Brut Blanc de Blancs 2018 | $220
- Bulgarian - Edoardo Miroglio Soli Pinot Noir 2017 | $180
- Bulgarian - Edoardo Miroglio Reserva Elenovo Rubin 2017 | $280
- Bulgarian - Edoardo Miroglio Reserve Elenovo Mavrud 2018 | $280
- North Macedonia - Tikves Alexandria Cuvee (White) 2021 | $150
- North Macedonia - Tikves Alexandria Cuvee (Red) 2019 | $140
- North Macedonia - Domaine Lepovo Pinot Noir 2018 | $320
- North Macedonia - Domaine Barovo (Red) 2019 | $320
活動資料 Event Details:
日期 Date︰12th Dec 2023 (Tue)
時間 Time︰19:00 - 21:00
地點 Venue︰MyiCellar Showroom
地址 Address:Room 907,9/F, Westlands Centre,20. Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
講師 Speaker:
Anson Wan
語言 Language :
廣東話 Cantonese
門票 Ticket:HKD$328
(with HK$100 redemption on in-event purchase)
Food will be served