Allan Scott Black Label Sauvignon Blanc
Wine Type:
Sauvignon Blanc
Region, Subregion, Country:
Marlborough, New Zealand
Alcohol Level:
Kekerengu 位於 Blenheim 以南70公里,是 Marlborough 地理產區的獨特一隅。這個葡萄園緊鄰大海,擁有獨特的土壤結構和微氣候,在 Marlborough 獨樹一幟,孕育出複雜而耐人尋味的葡萄酒。
2023年的收穫季節以集體精神、協作、寧靜和釀酒精細為特徵。它以出色的開花為起點,暗示著豐收的潛力。典型的 Marlborough 夏季帶來了連續的日子,沒有過高的溫度,陽光略低於平均水平。在漿果成熟期間,輕微但持續的降雨事件需要精心的葡萄園管理以保存健康的果實。這一挑戰在整個葡萄園得到了嫻熟的應對,產出了乾淨美麗的果實,為醞釀美酒做好了準備。
在釀酒廠,一支才華橫溢、經驗豐富的團隊抓住機會展示他們的技能,通力合作,分享專業知識,讓 Marlborough 果實的真正精髓大放異彩。葡萄在涼爽的夜晚機採並立即壓榨。果汁保持在低溫下以保留細膩的aromatics。澄清的果汁在低溫下與特選酵母發酵至乾爽。精選最佳的陳釀罐進行勾兌,創造出一款絕妙的清新佳釀,隨後裝瓶。
2023 Allan Scott Black Label Kekerengu Sauvignon Blanc 清新活潑、多汁飽滿。它展現出成熟的熱帶水果芳香,帶有一絲燧石氣息的味蕾,並以令人垂涎的清脆海鹽草本風味收尾。這款葡萄酒未經過濾和澄清,因此可能會有一些有益的沉澱物,更添獨特的個性和魅力。
Kekerengu, located 70km south of Blenheim, is a unique corner of the Marlborough Geographical Appellation. This vineyard, situated virtually next to the sea, boasts a distinctive soil structure and a microclimate like no other in Marlborough, producing complex and intriguing wines.
The 2023 harvest was a season marked by collectiveness, collaboration, tranquility, and winemaking finesse. It began on a strong note with excellent flowering, hinting at the potential for an abundant crop. The classic Marlborough summer brought consistent days without excessive heat and slightly lower than average sunshine. Light yet persistent rain events during berry maturation demanded focused vineyard management to preserve healthy fruit. This challenge was skillfully met across the vineyards, yielding beautifully clean fruit ready for a promising harvest.
In the winery, a talented and experienced team seized the opportunity to showcase their skills, collaborate, and share expertise, allowing the true essence of Marlborough fruit to shine. The grapes were machine-harvested and immediately pressed in the cool of the night. The juice was maintained at cool temperatures to preserve the delicate aromatics. Cleared juice was then fermented to dryness at cool temperatures with specifically selected yeasts. The finest tanks were chosen for blending, creating a wonderful fresh expression for bottling.
The 2023 Allan Scott Black Label Kekerengu Sauvignon Blanc is fresh, zesty, juicy, and full-bodied. It showcases ripe tropical fruit, a flinty palate, and finishes with a mouthwatering, crisp, sea-salted herbaceousness. This wine is unfiltered and unfined, so some beneficial sediment may remain, adding to its unique character and charm.
2023年的收穫季節以集體精神、協作、寧靜和釀酒精細為特徵。它以出色的開花為起點,暗示著豐收的潛力。典型的 Marlborough 夏季帶來了連續的日子,沒有過高的溫度,陽光略低於平均水平。在漿果成熟期間,輕微但持續的降雨事件需要精心的葡萄園管理以保存健康的果實。這一挑戰在整個葡萄園得到了嫻熟的應對,產出了乾淨美麗的果實,為醞釀美酒做好了準備。
在釀酒廠,一支才華橫溢、經驗豐富的團隊抓住機會展示他們的技能,通力合作,分享專業知識,讓 Marlborough 果實的真正精髓大放異彩。葡萄在涼爽的夜晚機採並立即壓榨。果汁保持在低溫下以保留細膩的aromatics。澄清的果汁在低溫下與特選酵母發酵至乾爽。精選最佳的陳釀罐進行勾兌,創造出一款絕妙的清新佳釀,隨後裝瓶。
2023 Allan Scott Black Label Kekerengu Sauvignon Blanc 清新活潑、多汁飽滿。它展現出成熟的熱帶水果芳香,帶有一絲燧石氣息的味蕾,並以令人垂涎的清脆海鹽草本風味收尾。這款葡萄酒未經過濾和澄清,因此可能會有一些有益的沉澱物,更添獨特的個性和魅力。
Kekerengu, located 70km south of Blenheim, is a unique corner of the Marlborough Geographical Appellation. This vineyard, situated virtually next to the sea, boasts a distinctive soil structure and a microclimate like no other in Marlborough, producing complex and intriguing wines.
The 2023 harvest was a season marked by collectiveness, collaboration, tranquility, and winemaking finesse. It began on a strong note with excellent flowering, hinting at the potential for an abundant crop. The classic Marlborough summer brought consistent days without excessive heat and slightly lower than average sunshine. Light yet persistent rain events during berry maturation demanded focused vineyard management to preserve healthy fruit. This challenge was skillfully met across the vineyards, yielding beautifully clean fruit ready for a promising harvest.
In the winery, a talented and experienced team seized the opportunity to showcase their skills, collaborate, and share expertise, allowing the true essence of Marlborough fruit to shine. The grapes were machine-harvested and immediately pressed in the cool of the night. The juice was maintained at cool temperatures to preserve the delicate aromatics. Cleared juice was then fermented to dryness at cool temperatures with specifically selected yeasts. The finest tanks were chosen for blending, creating a wonderful fresh expression for bottling.
The 2023 Allan Scott Black Label Kekerengu Sauvignon Blanc is fresh, zesty, juicy, and full-bodied. It showcases ripe tropical fruit, a flinty palate, and finishes with a mouthwatering, crisp, sea-salted herbaceousness. This wine is unfiltered and unfined, so some beneficial sediment may remain, adding to its unique character and charm.
Allan Scott
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