Wild Turkey Russell's Reserve 10 Years Old Bourbon Whiskey
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Kentucky, USA
Russell's Reserve 10 年波本是釀酒大師 Jimmy 和 Eddie Russell 的藝術精湛和專業精神的見證,他們將近一個世紀的累積經驗融入到精心打造這款特別的手工挑選小批量波本中。秉承著與 Wild Turkey 品牌幾代人以來堅定不移的對品質的執著追求相同的理念,這款波本彰顯了酒廠對傳統與創新的堅持。


然後,麥芽汁使用 Wild Turkey 獨有的酵母菌株發酵,這是一個嚴格保密的秘方,幾十年來在創造該品牌標誌性風味方面發揮了重要作用。這種酵母與酒廠歷久彌新的釀造工藝相結合,產生了一款無與倫比的豐富而複雜的波本。

Russell's Reserve 在精心挑選的美國白橡木桶中陳釀至少 10 年,這些橡木桶經過最深的第4級烘烤,達到如鱷魚皮般的木紋,使其呈現出令人驚豔的琥珀色,並擁有非同尋常的風味特徵。結果是一款富有焦糖和香草味的波本,伴隨著獨特的順滑餘韻,久久縈繞在口中。

Russell's Reserve 10 年波本以 90 Proof的酒精濃度裝瓶,是 Russell 家族幾代人傾注心血製作美酒的真實體現。每一口都是穿越時空的旅程,是對波本釀造藝術的頌揚,更是對 Wild Turkey 悠久傳奇的不朽見證。

Russell's Reserve 10 Year Old Bourbon is a testament to the artistry and expertise of Master Distillers Jimmy and Eddie Russell, who bring nearly a century of combined experience to the creation of this exceptional hand-selected small batch bourbon. Crafted with the same unwavering dedication to quality that has defined the Wild Turkey brand for generations, this bourbon showcases the distillery's commitment to tradition and innovation.

The journey begins with the finest non-GMO grains, meticulously selected by the Master Distillers themselves. These grains are mashed and malted using the purest limestone-filtered water from the Kentucky River, which flows over the limestone shelf upon which the distillery rests. This naturally purified water imparts a unique depth of flavor to the bourbon, setting the stage for the artistry to come.

The mash is then fermented using Wild Turkey's proprietary yeast strain, a closely guarded secret that has been instrumental in creating the brand's signature flavor profile for decades. This yeast, combined with the distillery's time-honored techniques, yields a bourbon of unparalleled richness and complexity.

Aged for a minimum of 10 years in carefully selected American White Oak barrels with the deepest, No. 4 "alligator" char, Russell's Reserve develops a stunning amber color and a flavor profile that is nothing short of extraordinary. The result is a bourbon with a rich, caramel, and vanilla taste, complemented by a uniquely smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

Bottled at 90 proof, Russell's Reserve 10 Year Old Bourbon is a true expression of the passion, skill, and dedication that the Russell family has poured into their craft for generations. Each sip is a journey through time, a celebration of the art of bourbon making, and a testament to the enduring legacy of Wild Turkey.
Wild Turkey