Gin是一款源自荷蘭的蒸餾酒類,原名為Genever / Geneva / Jenever,中文譯名為金酒、氈酒、琴酒等。Gin的主要原料是大麥或裸麥等穀物,經過發酵和蒸餾製造而成的蒸餾酒。不同於其他烈酒,Gin必須加入杜松子,這是歐盟法律的規定。杜松子具有辛香、花香和木香等獨特的草本香氣,讓Gin成為一款香氣獨特的酒類。
1️⃣ Gin的入門款推介︰
【👉 Gordon's London Dry Gin 】
英國老牌子的GIN,已經有250年歷史。釀造原料是玉米🌽 與大麥🌾 ,經蒸餾後加入至少儲藏了18個月的香料,包括來自義大利托斯卡尼(Toscana)的杜松子、鳶尾根、胡荽籽、川芎、甘草、橙皮、檸檬皮、圓當歸等等,再而經過三次蒸餾後才稀釋裝瓶。價格親民,亦是酒吧的常備酒款。
【👉 Bombay Sapphire Gin 】
寶藍色的四角瓶身與酒標上的維多利亞女王是代表性的標誌,亦是英國品牌之一。除了來自托斯卡尼(Toscana)杜松子,還加入9種草本香料🌿 、包括西班牙的苦杏仁、德國的白芷根、中南半島的肉桂樹皮、摩洛哥的胡荽、印尼的蓽澄茄、西非的天堂砂、西班牙的檸檬皮、中國的甘草根、佛羅倫斯的香鳶尾。
2️⃣ Gin的進階酒款扭介︰
【👉 Hendrick's Gin 】
蘇格蘭的新式金酒,用上13種植物原料,並經過4次蒸餾。除了杜松子,還加入獨特香料:荷蘭小黃瓜🥒 和保加利亞的玫瑰花🌹 ,令金酒多一份清香和花香。而蒸餾廠亦堅持使用蘇格蘭低地區的軟質水稀釋裝瓶,令金酒更加柔順細緻。
【👉 Ki No Bi Kyoto Dry Gin季之美京都 】
3️⃣ Gin的玩味酒款推介︰
【👉 Perfume trees gin 白蘭樹下 】
「白蘭樹下Perfume trees gin」源自於🇭🇰兩位創辦人Kit Cheung及Joseph夢想為香港創造具代表性的烈酒。他們以香港特色的草本植物—白蘭花與其他傳統草本植物巧妙融合。前段帶柑橘香氣、中段檀香與杜松子等溫暖香氣,尾韻散發著幽幽茶香。2018年誕生至今「白蘭樹下Perfume trees gin」已獲得多個獎項🏆,包括World Gin Awards, WGA;2019年World’s Best Contemporary Style Gin-Dutch等等。
What is Gin?
Gin is a distilled liquor originating from the Netherlands, originally called Genever / Geneva / Jenever, with Chinese translations such as jinjiu, zhuanjiu, and qinjiu. Gin's main ingredient is grains such as barley or rye, which are fermented and distilled to create a distilled spirit. Unlike other spirits, Gin must contain juniper berries, as required by EU law. Juniper berries have a unique herbal aroma of spicy, floral, and woody notes, making Gin a distinctively aromatic liquor.
In the 17th century, a war broke out between England and the Netherlands. English soldiers discovered that the Dutch army would drink Gin to boost their morale before going into battle, and this is how Gin's effectiveness was discovered. Therefore, after Gin was introduced to England, it quickly became popular and became one of the country's main production regions.
For those who are trying Gin for the first time, it is recommended to choose an affordable option to confirm your preference for the juniper flavor. If you like it, you can then choose brands that match your taste preferences. It is worth noting that high-priced Gins do have unique value and thoughtfulness, and you get what you pay for. If the budget allows, it is worth exploring your own new world of Gin.